Experience DevOps Transformation with Applify

Our AWS DevOps suite brings automation and scalability into perfect harmony, fostering innovation and catalyzing growth.
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Leverage the Power of Applify DevOps Suite

Our comprehensive managed service, tailored to the AWS ecosystem, is your key to unlocking unparalleled efficiency and innovation.

Strategic Cloud Utilization

Leverage the power of AWS services strategically, optimizing cloud resources and ensuring cost-effectiveness, aligning your DevOps strategy with your business goals and objectives.

Performance Optimization

Continuously monitor and optimize the performance metrics, guaranteeing your systems operate at a peak efficiency all time , maximizing output and minimizing bottlenecks.

Proactive Security Measures

Implement robust security protocols, ensuring compliance and safeguarding your AWS environment against potential threats, providing a secure foundation for your operations.

Our DevOps Suite of Services

Transform your AWS environment with our tailored suite, crafting a synergy of efficiency, security, and innovation.

Real-time Monitoring

Proactively stay ahead with insightful real-time monitoring, ensuring optimal performance of your applications and rapid resolution of potential issues.

Innovation-Driven Security

Safeguard your DevOps lifecycle with innovation securely embedded, ensuring robust measures across every developmental phase.

Infrastructure Agility via IaC

Manage infrastructure with Infrastructure as Code implementation, ensuring optimal control and seamless adaptation to your evolving needs.

Custom CI/CD Pipeline

With tailor-made setups, we ensure seamless integration and continuous deployment, accelerating your application release cycles effortlessly.

Efficient Resource Utilization

Optimize operations by automating repetitive tasks, reducing errors, and enhancing overall business performance through streamlined resource utilization.

Compliance Assurance

Navigate AWS complexities confidently, expertly prioritizing security measures, and adhering to regulatory compliance seamlessly.

We follow AWS best practices for optimal results

DevOps journey of Oryxhub to 60% cost reduction

We customized a solution for OryxHub, focusing on optimizing their CI/CD pipeline and infrastructure using CloudFormation for consistent and rapid AWS deployment. Further, ephemeral environments on AWS improved testing efficiency.

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Nextillo's journey to scalable growth with DevOps on AWS

For Nextillo's infrastructure efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. We automated deployment using AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild, ensuring reliable releases & setup AWS CloudFormation  for seamless geographical expansion.  

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